General Terms and Conditions

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) für Veranstaltungen (Vorträge, Coachings, firmeninterne Seminare und Workshops sowie Moderationen) mit Sattler Consulting GmbH ("Veranstalterin").
1. Anmeldung und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen


Participants can register for an event by telephone, e-mail or online registration. Registration is binding for the participant in any case and irrevocable until confirmed or rejected by the organizer. Non-payment of the course fee is not deemed to be a deregistration. The participant will receive a written confirmation (by post or e-mail) with binding payment instructions.

The organizer reserves the right to exclude participants from a course. In the following cases, the full course fee is owed, i.e. there will be neither a pro rata refund nor a waiver of the course fee: exclusion from the course due to non-payment of the course fee and in serious cases (e.g. defamation, harassment, damage to property, etc.).


In order to be able to hold the events under optimal conditions, the organizer may set a minimum and maximum number of participants for each course, which may be adjusted at the organizer's discretion if necessary. Course places are allocated in the order in which registrations are received (subject to timely payment of course fees).

If the number of participants is insufficient, if the lecturer is unable to attend at short notice due to illness or accident, in the event of serious technical problems or force majeure, the event will generally not be held and the course fee will be waived or refunded. The organizer also reserves the right to cancel announced events. In this case, any course fees already paid will be refunded. Before a definitive cancellation, the organizer will attempt to rebook the event to another date and/or another venue, provided this is possible and the customer agrees to this. Changes will be communicated immediately.

Further claims by participants, in particular claims for damages in the event of changes to or cancellation of an event, are expressly excluded. If the number of participants in a course is insufficient, the organizer may offer the course for implementation, whereby it may, at its discretion, increase the course fee accordingly or, where it makes sense, reduce the scope of the event while keeping the price the same (subject to the agreement of the participants).

  1. Fee
    The agreed fee is exclusive of expenses, travel costs, travel costs for briefing discussions and statutory VAT. Unless a different payment deadline is specified on the invoice, the fee is due for payment within 10 days of receipt of the invoice.

The organizer usually invoices its services after the event has taken place. However, it is at the discretion of the organizer to demand full or partial payment in advance.

  1. Technical equipment
    The necessary technical equipment (loudspeaker system, microphone, projector, screen, flipchart, etc.) shall be provided by the organizer within the scope of the furniture available to it. If, in the opinion of the organizer, the organizer's furniture is not or not sufficiently suitable for holding a particular event, or if the customer has other requirements, the customer shall be responsible for providing the necessary technology (at the customer's expense and risk).

4a. Cancellation of customer-specific events by the customer
In the event of cancellation, withdrawal or termination of the booking of an event which the organizer has undertaken to hold exclusively for one or more specific customers, the following processing fees shall be charged:

bis 90 Kalendertage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn: 25 % des Honorars
bis 28 Kalendertage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn: 50 % des Honorars
bis 14 Kalendertage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn: 80 % des Honorars
ab 7 Kalendertage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn: 100 % des Honorars

Any costs already incurred for accommodation and arrival/departure at the time of the cancellation shall also be borne by the customer.

4b. Cancellation by the participant for events organized by the organizer

The following processing fees will be charged for canceling, withdrawing from or terminating a booking in all cases not covered by section 4a:

bis 28 Kalendertage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn: 50 % des Honorars
bis 14 Kalendertage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn: 80 % des Honorars
ab 7 Kalendertage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn: 100 % des Honorars

The participant may, in consultation with the organizer, pass on the booked place. The organizer will make every effort to support the participant in finding a replacement, but is under no obligation to do so and the participant cannot derive or assert any additional rights (or obligations of the organizer) from such support.

5. declarations of withdrawal and termination
Declarations of withdrawal and termination must be made in writing (e-mail is sufficient). The date of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal or termination is decisive.

6. recordings and recordings
Recordings and recordings of lectures and seminars with the organizer on audio media are not possible for copyright reasons - even for internal use - or require detailed agreement in advance. In any case, the use of recordings and recordings of any kind requires the express prior written consent of the organizer.

  1. Public seminars and lectures
    For all public seminars and lectures, the terms and conditions of the respective organizer apply to the participants. The organizer shall send the terms and conditions to the organizer for information. However, the organizer's terms and conditions shall apply exclusively to the relationship between the organizer and the event participants, but not to the organizer. The legal relationship between the organizer (as a customer of the organizer) and the organizer shall be governed exclusively by the contractual agreement between the parties and these General Terms and Conditions.
  2. Gewährleistung und Haftung
    Bei den Veranstaltungen ist eine Haftung der Veranstalterin für Personenschäden, Beschädigungen, Verlust oder Diebstahl mitgebrachter Gegenstände und Motorfahrzeuge soweit gesetzlich zulässig ausgeschlossen. Die Teilnehmenden haften für alle von ihnen anlässlich der Kursteilnahme verursachten Beschädigungen am Eigentum der Veranstalterin und von Dritten.

Participation in an event is at the participant's own risk. The organizer guarantees neither a specific event outcome nor a specific event experience for the participants.

  1. Schweigepflicht / Datenschutz
    Über die vertraglichen Inhalte und Konditionen wird Stillschweigen vereinbart.

The organizer processes the personal data of the customer and participants to the extent necessary to provide its services. No further processing or disclosure to third parties shall take place. The parties are obliged to comply at all times with the applicable data protection provisions vis-à-vis each other and the event participants. Further information on data protection can be found in the organizer's privacy policy, available at [...][GHR4] .

  1. Gerichtsstand und anwendbares Recht
    Auf das Vertragsverhältnis zwischen dem Kunden und der Veranstalterin ist ausschliesslich schweizerisches materielles Recht unter Ausschluss des Kollisionsrechts anwendbar. Die Anwendung des UN-Kaufrechts (Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen vom 11. April 1980 über Verträge über den internationalen Warenverkehr) ist explizit ausgeschlossen.

For all disputes arising from or in connection with the contractual relationship between the customer and the organizer, the organizer's registered office (Bern) shall be the exclusive place of jurisdiction, subject to other mandatory places of jurisdiction. The organizer also reserves the right to sue the customer alternatively at the place of jurisdiction of his place of residence or habitual abode.

  1. Änderungen und Ergänzungen
    Die Veranstalterin behält sich Programmänderungen, Preisanpassungen sowie Änderungen in den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen ausdrücklich vor.