
Hyrox Turin
What a race! Yesterday felt like a real survival game. My first HYROX Pro Women Race is officially history - and wow, what an experience!
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When bold steps trigger fear...
"Moni, the more I take bold steps out of my comfort zone, the more scared I get. What should I do?"
I was recently asked this question in a workshop. It was about cycling: One participant said that she had started cycling with her husband. But the more she did it, the greater her fear of getting on her bike became.
What can you do in a situation like this?
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What do you need courage for? What would you like to achieve with more courage?
What is currently holding you back and what do you need to be able to act more courageously?
These and other questions will be addressed in the workshop at the Lenzburg Women's Conference this Saturday entitled "How do I find the courage to overcome my limits".

Motivation in difficult times: Two key factors for your success
Staying motivated when the going gets tough often depends on two key factors:
1️. The reason behind your goal is profound, meaningful and inspiring.
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Online Lunch Seminar: 5 Steps to Discover Meaningful and Sustainable Goals
Finding goals that really suit you and motivate you is not always easy.
(I can tell you from my own experience: I searched for 10 years to find my dream job!)
Along the way, however, I have gained valuable insights into what it takes to discover goals that really fulfill you - and to find your "purpose".

How do I stay motivated for my goal?
The challenge often lies not only in the motivation itself, but also in the factors that influence it.
My self-developed 6P Success Mindset Model shows the 6 key factors that have a major influence on motivation:
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How to make it easier to leave the comfort zone
Many people are dissatisfied with their current situation (especially in the professional sphere) and know that a change would do them good. However, they have often remained so deeply and for so long in their comfort zone that they find it difficult to change anything.
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Where am I going and what is my goal?
These are questions that more people deal with than you might think. Even those who outwardly seem to have everything under control often ask themselves: Am I really where I want to be? And if not, where should I go?
They are scary questions because they require courage, motivation and a strong mindset to take the leap into the unknown. But actually doing it? For many, it feels extremely difficult, if not impossible.
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No Hyrox Marseille for me - but valuable lessons in dealing with challenges
Two weeks ago, I was sitting in the emergency room still processing the news from the day before: I had a slipped disc.
What I had initially thought was a severe muscle strain from training turned out to be something much more serious. The pain extended from my back to my feet, and the MRI confirmed the cause.
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Embracing change: Turning necessity into opportunity
We live in a world that is constantly evolving - standing still is simply no longer an option, neither for individuals nor for companies.
But change is not always welcome. As creatures of habit, we tend to resist change and often cling to the familiar. But in a world where change is inevitable, the question is: how can we make it a positive and inspiring experience?
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How do I know when it's time to give up?
The supposedly "right" answer is: never. But sometimes the best decision is to stop pursuing a goal.
I learned that during my second attempt at self-employment. After the failure of my first business, I thought I now knew how to do it.
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12 lessons I live by
From my long search for my purpose in life, my midlife crisis at 30 and my two cycling records, I have learned valuable lessons that I live by today.
Here are 12 of them:
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