How to successfully achieve your ambitious goals

Hi, it's great to have you here.
I am Monika Sattler, the Managing Director of Sattler Consulting GmbH, leadership coach, international keynote speaker, author and cycling record holder.
I support leaders and teams in achieving ambitious goals - even under the most difficult conditions.

Make the impossible possible!
As a two-time cycling record holder, with over 10 years of experience in leadership coaching and with my own 6P method, I bring a unique mix of practice and expertise - above all, how to sustain performance, overcome setbacks, maintain motivation in challenging times and find the courage to make the impossible possible.
1 mio+
People inspired
Successful talks & workshops
Years of coaching experience
Cycling Records
How I can support you and your team:

My story about change, seemingly impossible goals and my mission
At the age of 19, I wanted to become a secret agent and studied international security in the USA with a focus on nuclear weapons. After working at the IMF and the World Bank, I decided to pursue my true passion for sport.
A failed cycling career led me to management consulting, but I felt dissatisfied.
At 30, I moved around the world to find my true calling and realized that many people are in the same situation.
Today, I use my 6P Success Mindset method to support leaders and teams in achieving their goals.

Why work with me
Through many extreme changes in my life, I know what it is like to plunge into the unknown and pursue ambitious goals - be it as an entrepreneur or as a top athlete.
This gives me the opportunity to put myself in situations very well.
I am also very practice-oriented and authentic. My method is by no means another boring model for the drawer, but a structure that makes sense and can be applied immediately to everyday life.
My offers are interactive, approachable and always charged with energy. Do you need proof? Then get to know me. :) Just write to me at: monika@monikasattler.com for an introductory conversation.

Don't try to change people. Give them the tools so that they can do it themselves.
Stay up-to-date
In this newsletter you will receive tips and updates from me once a month on how you can develop more courage, focus, mental performance, satisfaction and success.
A selection of performances

In the SRF Focus podcast
Monika Sattler: "Knowing yourself is the most important thing"
The woman has energy without end. Monika Sattler is back from her latest challenge: she cycled all 124 Swiss passes in one month. She talks to Anita Richner about her motivation, personal crises and the importance of courage. At the age of 30, Monika Sattler was at a low point. She had two master's degrees from renowned American universities under her belt and had gained career experience at the IMF, the World Bank and IBM. But she was not happy. In "Focus," she tells how she radically turned her life around, what role sports played in the process, and why it's so important to pursue your inner passions.
In the Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Monika Sattler lives fast.
So quickly, in fact, that she already had a midlife crisis at the age of 30 - that's what she calls the low she was in. What she had achieved by then lasts until retirement for other people: The German, who now lives in Bern, studied security sciences, focusing on nuclear weapons, at Georgetown University in the USA on a sports scholarship in volleyball. She then worked for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. At 24, she began racing bikes, and a year and a half later she was a professional cyclist for three months...to the article .here